Saturday, December 31, 2016

Lose Weight And Save Knee Cartilage – Study Finds

Obesity is not just a problem, it sets the stage for a whole range of serious health issues.

From high blood pressure to heart disease, from gout to depression – obesity is a known risk factor for a wide variety of health problems. Unlike other conditions, obesity is largely self-inflicted. Eating too much of the wrong kind of food along with a sedentary lifestyle are two of the most crucial reasons for the occurrence of obesity. However, since obesity depends on your diet and lifestyle, you have much control over this problem. Losing even a little weight can enormously improve heart health and keep diseases at bay.

Now, researchers at the University of California have found that losing weight can slow down degeneration of the cartilage in the knee. 

Why is cartilage important?

Your knee has to bear much of the body weight. This puts the knee joint under great stress on a routine basis. The cartilage in the knee protects the bones in the joint from rubbing against each other. Cartilage also acts as a shock-absorber, allowing the knee to sustain sudden movements and pressure. If the cartilage wears out due to disease or ageing, it makes the usage of knee joint extremely painful. This can severely restrict your ability to complete even simple daily activities. In some cases, this can leave you bound to a wheelchair. 

The study

The researchers observed 500 obese participants who had mild or moderate Osteoarthritis. The participants were then separated into two groups. One group was assigned daily exercise and diet control in order to bring down the body weight by at least 10%. The other group was asked to maintain their current diet, lifestyle and level of activity. 

The findings

After four years, the researchers looked at the condition of the knee joint in people belonging to the two groups. It was found that cartilage in the people who lost some of their body weight was in better condition compared to those who were not assigned any exercise or diet control. In the former group, the weight-bearing sections of the knee joint were healthier than that of the latter group. The researchers observed that cartilage degeneration was not totally eliminated but the rate of degradation could certainly be controlled to an extent by losing at least 10% of the body weight.

Losing weight safely – 5 simple tips

1. Get regular exercise: Simple aerobic exercises for 30 minutes daily can slowly but surely reduce your weight and normalize your Body Mass Index (BMI). You will end up with stronger bones and muscles along with a better overall physique.

2. Drink enough water: This will boost your metabolism while reducing the urge to eat more. Just 1 glass of water taken 30 minutes before a meal reduces calorie intake and helps in weight loss.

3. Take green tea: Just 3 cups of green tea per day is known to boost metabolism while gradually reducing weight. Green tea is rich in powerful anti-oxidants like catechins which help in burning fat.

4. Reduce sugar consumption: If you want to lose weight, you have to reduce your sugar intake. You can try out many kinds of sugar substitutes (like honey) to slowly replace sugar from your diet.

5. Limit carbohydrate intake: Eating less carbohydrate-rich foods can help you lose weight faster. It will also help improve your health by reducing your dependence on carbohydrates.    

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid
Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Super Effective Exercises For Tennis Elbow

Should you exercise in spite of having Tennis Elbow?

This may seem plainly wrong at first. The pain and weakness caused by Tennis Elbow can take a toll on physical health and mental well-being of even the strongest amongst us. In such a condition, surely exercise will merely add fuel to the fire?

However, physiotherapists around the world routinely advise people suffering from Tennis Elbow to undertake controlled exercise in order to get relief from the problem and speed up recovery. Exercises which specifically target the muscles and tendons in and around the elbows are enormously beneficial. Such exercises will improve blood circulation while strengthening the joint structures within the elbow. This will, in turn, speed up the healing process.

Exercises for Tennis Elbow

1. Ball squeeze

· Hold a ball in your hand.
· Make a fist around the ball and squeeze.
· Hold for 5 seconds, and then relax.
· Repeat 10 times.
· Switch the ball to your other hand and repeat.

2. Elbow Bend

· Stand up straight and lower the affected arm on one side.
· Bend your arm slowly upwards until the hand touches your shoulder.
· Hold for 15 seconds.
· Repeat 10 times.

3. Biceps curls

· Sit leaning forward with your legs slightly spread and your right elbow on your right thigh.
· Hold a small dumbbell with your arm straight.
· Slowly curl the weight up toward your chest.
· Repeat this 10 times.
· Switch the weight to the other arm and repeat the process.

4. Wrist curls

· Place your forearm with the palm upon a table with your hand hanging over the edge.
· Place a small dumbbell in your hand.
· Slowly raise and lower the weight while keeping your forearm on the table.
· Repeat this 10 times.
· Switch the weight to the other arm and repeat.

5. Towel twist

· Sit in a chair holding a towel with both hands.
· Twist the towel with both hands in opposite directions as if it were wet.
· Repeat 10 times in both directions. 

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Caring For Tennis Elbow – 5 Dos And Don’ts

While Tennis Elbow is not as serious as other joint problems, it can become a barrier between you and your daily duties. Tennis Elbow is not just painful, it greatly hampers the ability to use your arms. Even a simple task such as holding a cup or opening a door can become difficult, if not impossible to execute.

If you suffer from Tennis Elbow, then you already know how grave the situation is. However, there is no need to worry. All you have to do is to follow some simple and effective tips in order to lead a tolerably normal life and speed up the recovery period.

Tennis Elbow – what to do

1. Take rest: If you are indeed suffering from Tennis Elbow, then there is no need to take part in physically intensive activities. Try not to use your affected arm too much. Make sure that it gets plenty of rest.

2. Use an icepack: People with Tennis Elbow tend to suffer from chronic pain. If you think that the pain is becoming unbearable, then you can apply an ice pack for 20 minutes. The ice will help temporarily reduce the pain sensation.

3. Work smart: If you work at an office, then make sure that the table and chair are at a comfortable height. Make sure the chair you sit in has an adequate and comfortable armrest. For every hour of work, take 10 minutes of break. Use the time to relax.

4. Wear a brace: A Tennis Elbow brace can prevent sudden movements that may further damage the tendons in the joint. Remember not to wear the brace directly above the painful area of the arm.

5. Do specific exercise: The pain and weakness in your arm is no excuse for refusing to exercise. While it is a good idea to avoid any high-intensity exercise, you can try out simple specific exercises, especially those which target the muscles and tendons in the arms.

What to avoid

1. Stop repetitive activities: This is the major reason behind the occurrence of Tennis Elbow. If a particular activity requires repetitive use of the arm, avoid it for the time being.

2. Stay away from sports: Tennis Elbow can lead to microscopic tears in the tendons. Thus, you should avoid taking part in sports so as to avoid accidents and injuries which can further degrade your joint health.

3. Refrain from putting stress on the elbow: Putting stress will only worsen the pain and slow down the recovery process. Take care of your elbow and keep it away from any physical stress. Try using the other arm to open doors, lift objects, etc.

4. Don’t ignore the pain: Alert the people around you if the pain gets intolerable. In such a situation, you should visit the doctor without further delay.

5. Keep away from alcohol: While it can help reduce the pain sensation temporarily, alcohol can interfere with the work of any medicine you take for Tennis Elbow. This may end up causing side effect and can slow down the healing process.

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tennis Elbow - The Basic Facts

If you think that only Roger Federer can get Tennis Elbow, then you are wrong!

Most people have all sorts of wrong ideas about this joint problem. The occurrence of Tennis Elbow depends on your occupation. If your job requires you to use your elbows in a repetitive manner, then you are at risk. So, it doesn’t matter whether you are an office worker, a housewife or even a carpenter: Tennis Elbow can strike you at any time!

What is Tennis Elbow?

Also known as Lateral Epicondylitis, Tennis Elbow is a condition which affects the elbow. It results from repetitive use of the elbow joint. Tennis elbow is quite painful, severely decreasing the use of the affected arm. In most cases, the tendon at the elbow suffers from minute tears or injury. 

What are the symptoms?

If you are feeling pain and tenderness around your elbow for more than a week, it is a sign that you may be suffering from Tennis Elbow. In some cases, you may also feel a bony knob on the outside of your elbow. This knob is caused by the injured tendons which help connect the bones present in the elbow joint. You may feel so much pain in the elbow that you are unable to lift things, hold a cup, make a fist, open a door or play physically intensive sports like tennis. 

Who are at risk?

As the name suggests, people who play tennis regularly are at great risk of suffering from this problem. Also according to researchers, men are more likely to be affected by Tennis Elbow than women. This may be due to the fact that men are more likely to work in occupations which require intensive and repetitive use of the hands. Occupations such as sanitation workers, mechanics and sometimes cooks are known to have Tennis Elbow. Most people who have this problem are in the 30 to 35 age bracket. 

Why does Tennis Elbow occur?

Tennis Elbow doesn’t strike suddenly. Long periods of repetitive use of the elbows lead to strain in the muscles and tendons in the joint. Over time, the physical stress can even cause microscopic tears to develop in the tissue. 

What can you do?

If you think you are suffering from Tennis Elbow, then you should reduce using the affected arm. You should then visit a medical clinic which specializes in treating joint issues. The most important thing you need to understand is that Tennis Elbow is treatable. Taking correct medication and adequate physiotherapy will help reduce the uncomfortable symptoms and ensure optimal joint health. 

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid
Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Gout Diet Plan – What To Eat And What To Avoid

The primary reason for Gout is a chemical imbalance. When your body is unable to adequately process uric acid, it begins to build up in the blood. This leads to formation of uric acid crystals in the joints, tendons and surrounding tissue, which end up causing so much pain and discomfort to people with Gout.

Diet and genetic factors play an important role in Gout. While you cannot do anything about your genes, you can certainly plan your diet in a way that can reduce the risk of Gout. You need to watch what you eat and include foods which help your body process uric acid while excluding as much as possible those foods which increase the risk of a Gout attack.

Foods to eat

1. Lemon: It has high concentration of citric acid which is known to neutralize the presence of uric acid in the blood. A single glass of lemon juice every day will help you moderate the level of uric acid quite effectively.

2. Brown bread: Foods like brown bread are high in naturally occurring dietary fibre which help in reducing uric acid levels in the blood and allow the kidneys to eliminate them gradually from the body.

3. Milk: It can help bring down the risk of suffering from gout. Milk helps the body in getting rid of uric acid. Thus, milk can help slow this down or outright prevent an attack of Gout. Drinking 2 glasses of low-fat milk per day can dramatically reduce Gout risk.

4. Orange: The vitamin C present in oranges helps the body to break down uric acid, which can then be disposed off through the urine. Try to eat 2 raw oranges each day. Avoid drinking packaged orange juice as many of them have chemical preservatives and high sugar level.

5. Carrot: It is rich in various important vitamins like vitamin A, C, K and B8, all of which are needed by the body to maintain overall health. Carrots also have adequate fibre which promotes a feeling of fullness after eating. This prevents the urge to eat snacks or fast food in between meals.

Foods to avoid

1. Sardines: They are high in purines which are broken down to form uric acid in the body. This only increases the concentration of uric acid and heightens the risk of a Gout attack.

2. Red meat: Cut down on red meat or exclude it from your daily diet if you want to avoid Gout. Glandular and organ meat like liver or kidneys are especially known to increase Gout risk.

3. Alcohol: Beverages which contain alcohol increase the production of uric acid and dehydrates the body. Drinks like beer contains a large amount of purines and so can intensify a gout attack.

4. Purine-rich vegetables: Vegetables like cauliflower, mushrooms and peas are rich in purines which increase the concentration of uric acid in the body. Avoiding such foods may reduce Gout risk.

5. Drinks with fructose: Soda, soft drinks and juices may contain fructose which indirectly leads to increase of uric acid in the body, thus heightening the risk of Gout.

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

What Can You Do To Prevent Osteoporosis

One of the most serious threats that the elderly face usually goes unnoticed at the initial stages: Osteoporosis.

What makes Osteoporosis so dangerous is the fact that there are no observable signs or symptoms when it begins to affect the bones. Osteoporosis is a skeletal condition in which the bone density begins to gradually decrease. This makes the bones weak and prone to fracture at even a minor accident. Thus, while Osteoporosis in itself does not cause any discomfort, it sets the stage for debilitating fractures. 

What should you do?

Some degree of bone loss is natural in old age. But Osteoporosis is by no means natural. Like any other problem, you can plan for it. Moreover, making some simple changes to your lifestyle and diet can help ensure that you can stay free from Osteoporosis even in your advanced years!

Preventing Osteoporosis – 4 Stage plan

1. Get calcium and vitamin D: Your body cannot produce these 2 vital nutrients and so depend on the food you eat. Calcium is used to build and maintain bone structure while vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium efficiently. Good sources of calcium include low-fat dairy products and fruit juices with added calcium. Egg yolks, saltwater fish and milk are rich sources of Vitamin D. 

2. Exercise regularly: No one is asking you to “slog” in the gym. However, you should know that bones become stronger with exercise. The best exercises for healthy bones are strength-building and weight-bearing, such as walking, jogging or skipping rope. You should try to get 30 minutes of exercise each day to reduce the risk of Osteoporosis. 

3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Smoking and drinking alcohol results in deterioration of bone health and heightens the risk of Osteoporosis. Hence, lead a healthy lifestyle by avoiding these bad habits. 

4. Talk to your doctor: Go over your risk factors with a specialist doctor and ask if you should get a bone density test. Your doctor can help you take the necessary steps to prevent bone loss due to Osteoporosis.

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid
Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

How Much Massage Is Adequate For Neck Pain - Study Finds Out

Your neck pain has been around for more than a week and it is slowly beginning to become a cause of worry. Somehow you have managed to work throughout the week and now you can no longer tolerate this situation. You have heard from your friend that massage can work wonders for neck pain. But you still have niggling doubts: does it really work? And how much massage is necessary to attain positive results?

Now, the researchers at the Group Health Research Institute in the US have found out that massage of a particular duration is highly efficacious against neck pain.

The research

In a study published in the journal Annals of Family Medicine, researchers have looked at 228 participants between the age group 20 and 64. These people were then separated into six groups and given regulated massage for several weeks. The purpose of the study was to find out the correct duration of massage needed to attain the best possible result.

The findings

The researchers assessed the different groups on neck functioning and pain perception. It was discovered that people who got 1 hour of massage 3 times a week showed the most positive signs. This study further discovered that people who did get massage felt better compared to those who were not assigned any massage. The researchers concluded that people who get moderate massage were likely to experience improvements in neck function and reduction in pain sensation.

How massage helps reduce pain

The effectiveness of massage in addressing the problem of pain was known since the time of Hippocrates, the great Greek physician. In ancient times, massage was used to bring relief to injured soldier and overworked statesmen. Thus, it can be said that modern medical science is rediscovering and verifying the benefits of this ancient practice. Massage helps to bring relief from pain by temporarily increasing blood circulation around the affected bones and muscles. It also allows the muscles and ligaments to relax. This means that the affected muscle groups gain a fresh supply of nutrient-rich blood while in a relaxed state. This enormously helps the natural repairing and healing processes of the body.

Is massage an alternative to medicines?

Sadly, massage is not the panacea. If you are indeed suffering from neck pain, then you need to consult a pain specialist. Tell the doctor that you are thinking of getting massage. Let the doctor advice you on the type of massage. Research has shown that massage is most effective when it is used to compliment correct medication. Thus, you should see massage as an aid to health and as a way of speeding up recovery.

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Exercises For Rheumatoid Arthritis That Experts Recommend

Rheumatoid Arthritis is known to induce severe debility in the joints it impacts. The disease starts as minor swelling and redness, gradually destroying the underlying tissue of the affected joint. If you are suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis, you need to give special attention to the health of your joints in order to retain as much joint function as possible.

Doctors and physiotherapists around the world suggest to people with this problem to undertake controlled exercise, especially those which increase mobility and strength of the diseased joints. This is, sadly easier said than done. People with Rheumatoid Arthritis tend to suffer from chronic exhaustion. This reduces their ability to take part in exercise. In such a juncture, it is necessary to remember that regular exercise not only maintains joint health but also reinvigorates the body. Thus, the more you exercise, the more energy you will have, creating a positive feedback loop which will help enormously in keeping your joints healthy and leading a fulfilling life. 

Exercise for Rheumatoid Arthritis

1. Sitting Toe Touch
• Sit on the floor with your legs together.
• Keep the arms parallel to your legs.
• Move forward and try to touch your toes.
• Hold for 5 seconds.
• Return to the original position.
• Repeat 10 times.

2. Elbow extension
• Keep your arms parallel to the floor with the palm facing up. 
• Using the other hand, hold the fingers and pull the palm of the extended hand towards the floor. 
• Hold for 10 seconds. 
• Return to the starting position.
• Turn the palm face down using the other hand. 
• Do this 10 times on each hand. 

3. Fist stretch
• Close your fingers to make a fist. 
• Extend the fingers as straight as possible. 
• Repeat this 20 times twice every day. 

4. Hip rotation
• Sit on the floor with your feet slightly apart. 
• Keep your legs straight. 
• Turn the knees toward each other and bring the toes of your feet together. 
• Hold for 5 seconds. 
• Turn your legs and knees outwards.
• Hold for 5 seconds. 
• Repeat this 20 times.    

5. Shoulder Extension
• Stand with your back against a wall and your arms at your sides. 
• With your elbows straight, push your arms back to the wall. 
• Hold for 5 seconds. 
• Repeat 10 times. 

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid
Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Everyday Tips For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is not just a disease, it is a barrier between you and your ability to lead a normal life.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a painful condition which has a severe impact on your life. People with this joint condition find it almost impossible to complete everyday tasks. However, all is not lost. In order to accommodate the problem of Rheumatoid Arthritis into your life, you need to make certain changes to your daily habits. This will not only help you retain as much mobility and joint function as possible but also help bring down the pain and stiffness. 

Rheumatoid Arthritis – what to do 

1. Expose yourself to sunlight: This will help in the production of vitamin D in your body. This vitamin is necessary in maintaining bone health. Try to get at least 15 minutes of sunlight in the early morning when the sun is near the horizon. 

2. Do adequate exercise: Perform moderate aerobic activities like walking, jogging or swimming at least thrice a week. You can also try out stretching exercises in order to limber up the affected joints before starting your day. This will improve blood circulation to the diseased joints and may even reduce the sensation of pain. 

3. Take care of your joints: The intense inflammation which is caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis can severely degrade joint health. So, remember not putting too much strain on the affected joints. Repetitive use will only lead to further pain and stiffness. 

4. Watch your diet: What you eat can have enormous influence on your health, especially that of your joints. If you have Rheumatoid Arthritis, you need to eat anti-inflammatory foods like carrots, spinach, walnuts, oranges and bell peppers. This will help you stay fit and speed up the recovery process. 

5. Get rest when necessary: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis are known to feel tired. When you feel like this, then stop your activities and take a short 30-minute nap. You will wake up refreshed and reinvigorated. This is a much better plan than forcing yourself to stay awake in spite of feeling exhausted.

What to avoid

1. Refrain from staying indoors all the time: You may feel like avoiding the outdoors, but such self-imposed isolation will only make it harder to lead a normal life. If you have lost the habit of going out, have someone accompany you to the local park for just 15 minutes. Gradually, you can try increasing the duration.

2. Stay away from negativity: Negative thoughts are self-perpetuating. This may increase the sensation of pain and stiffness. If you feel surrounded by dark thoughts, read a book or listen to soothing music. You can also invite a friend to visit you. Having someone give you company greatly reduces the instance of negative thoughts. 

3. Don’t ignore the pain: You need to stop your activities if you feel that the pain is getting worse. In order to tackle the pain, you should take the prescribed medicines on time. If the pain is becoming unbearable, then take a warm bath. You can even apply a hot-pack on the affected joint. 

4. Stop obesity: Obesity is not just a risk factor for Rheumatoid Arthritis, it is also known to increase pain sensation. Watch your weight carefully and avoid eating fat-rich foods like ghee, butter, cheese or red meat. 

5. Avoid bad habits: Smoking and drinking alcohol are known to worsen the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Smoking reduces the blood supply to the joints and gradually damages the respiratory system, especially the lungs. People with rheumatic pain may have the desire to take alcohol in order to reduce the pain. While alcohol does dampen the pain sensation temporarily, it interferes with the sleep cycle, which means that you wake up feeling exhausted and restless.     

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid
Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Grave Threat Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disorder which can strike you at any age. If you don’t get it properly diagnosed and treated, you could end up with crippled and deformed joints along with chronic pain and general discomfort.

While it is devastating for joint structure and function, Rheumatoid Arthritis can affect other organs as well, like the eyes, the lungs and the heart, thereby greatly reducing your life span. Although there are several treatment plans, Rheumatoid Arthritis is known for its ability to bounce back, if constant vigilance is not maintained.
Needless to say, early identification and prompt diagnosis are absolutely vital in treating Rheumatoid Arthritis in a safe and effective manner.

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

1. Swelling of joints: One or more of the knuckle joints may become swollen, often affecting both hands. The swelling usually feels soft, tender, reddish and warm. If the swelling continues for more than six weeks and becomes more intense in the mornings, then it could be a sign of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

2. Rheumatoid Nodules: Small tender bumps may develop under the skin, often near the back of the elbow, called Rheumatoid Nodules.

3. General feeling of weakness: If the swelling is in the hand, you may find it difficult to make a complete fist. You may also feel indisposed to taking part in physical activities.

What causes Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks the tissue surrounding the joints called synovium. This leads to inflammation which can eventually destroy the cartilage and bones of the joint. This autoimmune reaction also affects the tendons and ligaments which provide support to the bones and muscles of the joint. Thus, Rheumatoid Arthritis causes gradual loss of joint structure and function.

Common risk factors of Rheumatoid Arthritis

1. Gender: The disease is three times likely to affect women than men.

2. Age: While this problem can develop at any age, it is more likely to affect people between the age of 40 and 60 years.

3. Genetics: People with family members who suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis are more likely to get the disease. While the disease itself is not inherited, the predisposition is passed along genetically.

4. Smoking: Regular smokers have a significantly higher risk of developing this syndrome compared to non-smokers.

5. Alcohol: People who drink regularly are at a greater danger of this disease.

6. Obesity: People who are obese have a higher risk of having Rheumatoid Arthritis than people with normal bodyweight.

Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you think you have some of the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis, you should talk to your doctor without any delay. The doctor will want to look closely at the affected joints and ask questions about your daily routine, work environment and your diet. This may be followed by blood tests and X-ray scans to find out whether you are actually suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis can be controlled in a way that you can lead a reasonably normal life. Using appropriate medication and diet plan, you can bring down the intensity of symptoms. Combining these with moderate exercise will allow you to remain healthy enough to carry out your day-to-day activities with minimal ease and efficiency.  

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis – 5 Vital Tips

Suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis means dealing with chronic pain and stiffness. In order to lead a fulfilling life in spite of having this problem, you need to make some simple lifestyle changes. This will allow you to accommodate the issue of Rheumatoid Arthritis in your daily life. Moreover, you will gain better control over the symptoms while reducing the risk of the disease becoming worse. 

Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis

1. Take adequate rest: Rheumatoid Arthritis can cause chronic fatigue. This along with the pain can make you feel tired most of the time. If you feel that your symptoms are getting worse, then you must stop your activities and take rest. Just lie down in a quiet place for 15 minutes and try to relax. Plan your daily activity keeping in mind the need to take regular breaks and take rest. 

2. Protect your joints: If you have Rheumatoid Arthritis in your hands, then remember to avoid strenuous or repetitive activities. This will only worsen the pain, inflammation and general discomfort. Take care of the stiffness in your joints by having a warm bath every day. You can use a hot pack in order to temporarily control the pain sensation. 

3. Stay active: Keeping yourself active is necessary to maintain bone and muscle strength. Do moderate aerobic activities like walking, jogging or swimming at least thrice a week. You can also try out stretching exercises in order to limber up the affected joints before starting your day. This will improve blood circulation to the diseased joints and may even reduce the sensation of pain.  
4. Eat a balanced diet: Take plenty of brightly-coloured fruits, leafy green vegetables and nuts in your daily diet. Foods like salmon, sardines, spinach, ginger, pineapple and soybeans are known to combat the various symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis while helping to maintain the general health of the body. 

5. Refrain from bad habits: Activities like smoking and drinking alcohol are known to worsen the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Smoking reduces the blood supply to the joints and gradually damages the respiratory system, especially the lungs. People with rheumatic pain may have the desire to take alcohol in order to reduce the pain. While alcohol does dampen the pain sensation temporarily, it interferes with the sleep cycle, which means that you wake up feeling exhausted and restless. 

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid
Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Back Pain – Ways To Prevent It And Lead A Healthy Life!

While back pain is a common problem, many people simply don’t take it seriously. Such people ignore the early signs like stiffness. Thus, when back pain strikes, people are caught unawares. The pain in most cases can be so intense that it makes simple everyday activities almost impossible to accomplish.

Today, let’s talk about some simple steps you can take to prevent the onset of back pain. All of these tips require you to make controlled changes to your lifestyle. By following these ways, you can greatly reduce the risk of suffering from back pain!

Avoid back pain – 5 simple tips

1. Get regular exercise: A sedentary lifestyle is one of the most common reasons for having back pain. Muscles are meant to be used. In the absence of work, your muscles can become weak. Thus, remember to get moderate aerobic exercise at least 4 days a week. Regular exercise will maintain the health, strength and flexibility of your joints and muscles while reducing the risk of becoming overweight.

2. Eat well: Having a proper diet not only helps you stay healthy but also reduces stress on the body. Eating spicy or oily food regularly can put great strain on your joints, muscles and nerves. Instead, opt for a diet of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. Choose lean meat like poultry over red meat. Moreover, take at least one glass of plain milk every day. This will keep your digestive system on track, while supplying your bones and muscles with the nutrients they need to remain healthy.

3. Watch your posture: No diet plan in the world can save you from back pain if you don’t maintain a proper posture. If you are required to sit for several hours at a stretch, then you should observe yourself every 20 minutes. If you feel yourself slouching or leaning then correct your posture immediately. After just a couple of days, good posture will become habitual for you. Moreover, take a short 5-minute break for every hour of work. Use the break to do some simple stretching exercises.

4. Sleep on the side: Physiotherapists regularly advise people not to sleep flat on the back. This position puts strain on the spine and the back muscles, thus increasing the risk of back pain. You should sleep sideways. Use a side pillow between your knees, as this reduces the strain on the hip muscles.

5. Avoid bad habits: It is an acknowledged fact that people who smoke regularly have a higher risk of suffering from back pain than non-smokers. Smoking can even worsen the intensity of back pain. The various chemicals in cigarette smoke inhibit blood circulation to the muscles and bones in your back, thus setting the stage for back pain. If you want to avoid back pain, then you should stop smoking without any further delay.

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Rheumatoid Arthritis And Anaemia – Is There A Link?

Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis is a challenge. The pain, stiffness and swelling make even simple everyday activities difficult to accomplish. Even sleep becomes an arduous task. Most of the symptoms associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis arise due to the strong inflammatory response of the immune system, leading to damage of joint tissue and structure. 

Now, researchers have found that people with Rheumatoid Arthritis are at risk of Anaemia.

What is Anaemia?

It is a condition when your body is unable to produce adequate red blood cells. In some cases, Anaemia may arise in spite of having enough red blood cells. In such a condition, the blood cells tend to have insufficient haemoglobin, which is a protein that carries oxygen to the cells of the body. 

The primary symptoms of Anaemia are: 
• Constant fatigue and weakness
• Pale skin
• Shortness of breath
• Rapid heartbeat
• Headache
• Decreased capacity for work

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Anaemia

Researchers have found that 60% of people with Rheumatoid Arthritis suffer from some degree of Anaemia. This type of Anaemia is called Anaemia of Chronic Disease (ACD). This condition usually accompanies chronic problems like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn’s disease and cancer. 

But why?

While the reason behind the high risk of Anaemia is not completely clear, researchers say that the intense inflammation that occurs in the body due to Rheumatoid Arthritis is one of the primary factors. The adverse immune reaction causes the joint tissue to become inflamed. This induces the body to release proteins which end up interfering with how cells use iron. The inflammation also hampers the production of red blood cells. 

What you need to do

If you have Rheumatoid Arthritis, then firstly you need to inform your doctor about the risk of Anaemia that you face. To keep Anaemia at bay, you should take your medicines on time. Moreover, you need to consume iron-rich foods like spinach, tomato, beans, almonds, carrots, poultry meat, sardines, pumpkin and raisins. This will help maintain the haemoglobin content in your blood and keep your red blood cells healthy. 
By Dr. Shabtab Khalid
Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.