Saturday, August 18, 2018


     It’s not just professional athletes who are at risk of suffering sports injuries. Sometimes, people in their ambition to be fitter can also end up overextending themselves in the course of workouts and sports sessions. Even unrestrained Yoga practice is not safe as excessive stretching can result in hamstring or shoulder injuries. Running without warming up can lead to ankle and knee injuries. The treatment for almost all sports injuries in the initial 48 hours is Protect, Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate or PRICE, as it is commonly referred to as. Emphasis must be put on protecting the injured area from further harm during this period. Here are a few self-help remedies that will hasten the healing process as well as help you be better prepared for future injuries.

-    Ice compress: In the initial phase of injury, when the pain and swelling are most prominent, ice packs can work wonders. Wrapping ice in a polythene pack and applying it to the injury reduces swelling and relieves pain by minimizing blood flow to the area. However, if the swelling does not subside after 48 hours have passed, you should immediately consult a healthcare professional.

-    Hot pack application: Wrapping a hot pack in a towel and applying it to the injured area is immensely helpful for injuries with no swelling. Also, it can be used once the swelling goes down, which is generally 48-72 hours after the injury. It works wonders in reducing muscle or joint stiffness and pain. Heat increases the blood flow to the injured area, delivering more nutrients and oxygen to supplement the healing process.

-    Stretching: Every injury is followed by a period of inactivity; hence the muscles tend to tighten. Once the pain & swelling subsides, stretching can go a long way to increase your Range of Motion (ROM) by loosening these tight muscles.

-    Massage: Massage therapy or soft tissue mobilization has proven to be helpful in most cases of sports injuries. It relieves pain, reduces tissue adhesion, decreases swelling and relaxes tight muscles.

-    Super-foods: Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory spice with extraordinary healing properties, making it great for treating muscle soreness. Turmeric is packed with curcumin that aids in blocking prostaglandin, a lipid found to increase inflammation. The Vitamin C contained in “amla” aids in collagen formation and healing, thereby promoting tissue generation. Taking 30 ml of “amla” juice on an empty stomach in the morning works like a charm in healing sports injuries.

-    Exercises: Following a brief period of stretching exercises to improve the Range of Motion (ROM), light strengthening exercises can be incorporated to increase the resilience of the weakened muscles. This also helps in maintaining the strength of the unaffected muscles around the injured area.

-    Complementary devices: Using walking aids like crutches or a walker can be helpful in case of leg injuries. Braces or casts are of great help in case of shoulder injuries. Furthermore, you can continue to use splints for all kinds of injuries. These devices make sure that you do not put stress on the injured muscle, ligament, etc.

-    Self-education:  Educating yourself about the various kinds of common sports injuries that are relevant to the specific sports that you practice will allow you to understand its progression. You will be well-versed with the precautions to be taken and the dos and don’ts at the various stages of recovery. In addition to this, you will be aware of the various measures that you can take to be less susceptible to those injuries. These measures can range from modification of the activity, use of proper gear, incorporating warm-up routines, staying within the comfort levels, and so on.

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