Saturday, October 15, 2016

Managing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – 5 Dos And Don’ts

 It starts out as just a little bit of pain, usually near the wrist. Then you are to notice numbness in your fingers. You feel that your hand is no longer strong enough for completing daily activities. And then there is the pain in your forearm. Before you know it, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has you firmly in its grip. 

Fortunately, there are some simple ways to bring this problem under control. Following these tips will stop the symptoms from intensifying, while ensuring that you are able to use your hands normally. More importantly, these tips will speed up the recovery period and allow you to regain forearm capacity. 

What you need to do

1. Wear a splint: Physiotherapists around the world suggest their patients to wear a wrist splint if they suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The splint keeps the wrist in a neutral position and provides much needed support to the hand. 

2. Apply heat pack: It can give you temporary relief from the pain and numbness while reducing the stress on the median nerve. Apply a heat pack for just 10 minutes. Make sure that the pack is comfortably warm.

3. Try massage: It will help increase blood circulation to the affected region, relieve muscular stress and increase the strength of your arm. Remember to inform the masseur that you are seeking massage specifically for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome before the session begins. 

4. Do Yoga: Numerous studies have found that Yoga practice helps to reduce the intensity of pain and numbness while simultaneously strengthening the wrists and the fingers. 

5. Eat proper food: Foods like bell peppers, spinach, walnuts and pineapple help to reduce the symptoms as well as speed up recovery.

What you should avoid

1. Prevent overuse: Give your fingers and hands time to recover from doing repetitive activities. For every hour of work, take a 10-minute break. Use the break to do simple stretching exercises to help relieve muscular stress. 

2. Avoid vibrating tools: Instruments like electric saws and drilling machines put enormous stress on the delicate tendons in the hand. Try to minimize using such devices as much as possible.

3. Stop ignoring the pain: If you feel the pain, then you should cut down on your activities immediately. Trying to use the wrists in spite of the pain will only make the problem worse. 

4. Refrain from acidic food: Foods like oranges are rich in naturally occurring acids, which may increase inflammation of the carpal tunnel in some people. 

5. Reduce exposure to cold: Regular exposure to low temperature reduces blood supply to the wrist and puts strain on the tendons and ligaments. Wear warm woolen gloves that give protection to your hands and wrists.
By Dr. Shabtab Khalid

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