Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tennis Elbow - The Basic Facts

If you think that only Roger Federer can get Tennis Elbow, then you are wrong!

Most people have all sorts of wrong ideas about this joint problem. The occurrence of Tennis Elbow depends on your occupation. If your job requires you to use your elbows in a repetitive manner, then you are at risk. So, it doesn’t matter whether you are an office worker, a housewife or even a carpenter: Tennis Elbow can strike you at any time!

What is Tennis Elbow?

Also known as Lateral Epicondylitis, Tennis Elbow is a condition which affects the elbow. It results from repetitive use of the elbow joint. Tennis elbow is quite painful, severely decreasing the use of the affected arm. In most cases, the tendon at the elbow suffers from minute tears or injury. 

What are the symptoms?

If you are feeling pain and tenderness around your elbow for more than a week, it is a sign that you may be suffering from Tennis Elbow. In some cases, you may also feel a bony knob on the outside of your elbow. This knob is caused by the injured tendons which help connect the bones present in the elbow joint. You may feel so much pain in the elbow that you are unable to lift things, hold a cup, make a fist, open a door or play physically intensive sports like tennis. 

Who are at risk?

As the name suggests, people who play tennis regularly are at great risk of suffering from this problem. Also according to researchers, men are more likely to be affected by Tennis Elbow than women. This may be due to the fact that men are more likely to work in occupations which require intensive and repetitive use of the hands. Occupations such as sanitation workers, mechanics and sometimes cooks are known to have Tennis Elbow. Most people who have this problem are in the 30 to 35 age bracket. 

Why does Tennis Elbow occur?

Tennis Elbow doesn’t strike suddenly. Long periods of repetitive use of the elbows lead to strain in the muscles and tendons in the joint. Over time, the physical stress can even cause microscopic tears to develop in the tissue. 

What can you do?

If you think you are suffering from Tennis Elbow, then you should reduce using the affected arm. You should then visit a medical clinic which specializes in treating joint issues. The most important thing you need to understand is that Tennis Elbow is treatable. Taking correct medication and adequate physiotherapy will help reduce the uncomfortable symptoms and ensure optimal joint health. 

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid
Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

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