Thursday, March 30, 2017

Don’t Let Your Wallet Give You Sciatica!

How is that possible, you ask, how can your wallet cause Sciatica?

While this may sound outlandish, it is actually true: sitting on your wallet can significantly increase the risk of suffering from a painful nerve condition called Sciatica. The thicker the wallet, the greater is the damage on your nerves and muscles.

But why?

When you sit down while having a fat wallet in your back pocket, one of your buttocks is kept raised. This means that your hips are in an unbalanced state. Sitting in such a position for several hours at a stretch can put your hips under intense stress. The pressure put by the wallet on the piriformis muscle compresses the sciatic nerve, leading to Sciatica.

At present, researchers at the University of Waterloo are looking closely at how a fat wallet interferes with the biomechanics of the spine and the hips.

Do you have Sciatica?

The simplest way to find out whether you already have Sciatica is to observe yourself carefully. If you notice two or more of the following symptoms, then you may want to consult a doctor:

· Burning or tingling sensation in back of the leg
· Constant pain on one side of the buttock or leg
· The pain becomes worse while sitting
· Weakness or numbness in the leg
· Difficulty in walking or standing
· Pain spreading down the leg

Managing your wallet

· The most obvious solution is to refrain from keeping your wallet in the back pocket. Keep it in the side or front pockets of your trousers instead.

· Take a good hard look at the things you keep in your wallet. Remove anything that is unnecessary. This will help keep your wallet slim, neat and trim.

· If you have to carry around lots of things, then get a fanny pack. It has far greater space and more security than a wallet, and is quite comfortable to wear.

· If you have to sit for several hours at a stretch, then watch your sitting area. Make sure it is stable and flat while having minimal padding for comfort and support.

The ever-present danger of Sciatica

Everyday carelessness like sitting on a fat wallet can end up triggering Sciatica, leading to chronic pain, irritation and discomfort. Why take the risk of such needless suffering? If you want to know more about this problem or if you are already noticing some uncomfortable symptoms, then you need to consult an experienced pain management clinic. This will help you avoid Sciatica or provide you with early treatment to nip the problem in the bud.

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Worried About Your Back? Avoid These Bad Habits!

Your habits can make or break your back – do you know how?

Your back is a complex structure made of numerous bones, muscles and ligaments. This part of your body is put under stress every single day. Thus, it is of no surprise that many people tend to suffer from back problems.

Having a healthy back means removing activities in your daily life which put unnecessary stress on the back muscles and the spine. By avoiding a few common bad habits, you can help ensure the health of your back. Moreover, if you already suffer from back problems, avoiding these damaging habits is all-the-more necessary if you want to reduce the uncomfortable symptoms and recover your health.

Bad habits which hurt your back

1. Too much sitting: The simplest way to wreck your back is to sit continuously for several hours without a break. Excessive sitting can not only increase the risk of back pain, it can also gradually damage the spinal alignment. So remember to take a 5-minute break for every hour of sitting. Use the break to do some simple stretching exercises, or just walk around a little. Most importantly, get regular exercise at least 4 days a week. This will keep your spine and back muscles strong and flexible.  

2. Carrying heavy bags: Some people like to carry their whole world on their shoulders. Sadly, such people are also prone to back pain. Lighten your load by carrying only the essentials. Instead of putting everything in a single backpack, break up your luggage into two bags.

3. Wearing high heels: While there doesn’t seem to be any connection between the feet and your back, they are expected to work together to carry your body weight. Wearing high heels put your feet and your back under stress. So try to refrain from wearing fashionable shoes, or at least minimize their use.

4. Being overweight: The more you weigh the more weight your back is expected to carry. If your weight is above the normal range (which is determined by your age, gender and height) then the risk of back problems increases. Calculate what your ideal weight should be and try to engage in diet control along with regular exercise to stay in the safe weight zone.

5. Lifting incorrectly: Many back injuries occur when trying to lift something heavy. The proper way to pick something up is to bend your knees and using the power of your calves and thighs to lift up the object. Keep the object close to your body while maintaining a straight spine and neck. This way, you will drastically reduce the risk of getting a cramp or a slipped disc.

6. Using an old mattress: Many people don’t really care about where and on what they sleep. Sometimes, people keep using old mattresses which are no longer strong enough to support their back. Thus, every night the spine and the back muscles are put under stress for several hours at a stretch. So put away your old mattress and buy a new one, which is soft and stiff enough to give your back adequate support.

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

How To Walk Better – Common Mistakes To Avoid

“Walking” should be a walk in the park. But it rarely is!

There are many ways to do something wrong, as the saying goes, but only a few ways to get it right. The same applies to walking.

Physiotherapists around the world suggest walking as a simple way to maintain your health. No matter what your age, gender or health condition may be – you should try walking. Regular walking can help combat various problems like Heart Disease, Obesity, Joint Pain and Diabetes. Thus, it is no surprise that many people take part in “morning walks”. Many people try to walk for at least a few minutes every day, thinking that they are doing good to their bodies. Walking seems so simple that even a child can do it! But is it really so?

Walking is not so simple

It is entirely possible to walk the wrong way. Even people who have been taking walks for several years can make these mistakes, while being totally unaware of the damage they are doing. Moreover, if you want to take up walking as a form of daily exercise, then you need to be aware of these bad habits. Early awareness and prudence will help you develop the perfect walking technique, thus allowing you to take full advantage of its therapeutic power. 

Mistakes people make while walking

1. Avoiding warm-up: You would think that walking is itself a warm-up exercise. However, it is not really the case. Trying to walk without proper warm-up can put strain on your bones, muscles and ligaments. This is especially a problem for those who are advanced age-groups. So, remember to do some stretching exercises before stepping out to limber up your body.  

2. Taking long strides: This problem is commonly seen among people who have started walking recently. They think that having longer strides means burning more calories. Actually, taking unnecessarily long strides put strain on the entire leg and the groin, thus increasing the risk of painful muscle cramp. Instead, take short comfortable steps and try to enjoy the occasion.  

3. Wearing improper shoes: You may have seen people walking while wearing slippers or sandals. While it may feel nice, wearing improper shoes can increase the risk of injury, particularly ankle sprain. So make sure you wear a proper sports shoe which gives adequate support to your feet. The shoes need not be expensive, but make sure that they are comfortable and well-built. 

4. Putting on the wrong clothes: Always remember to wear clothes which allow the sweat to evaporate. Cotton clothes allow your skin to breathe and help you cool off easily. Wear bright clothes while walking on the road so that passer-bys and vehicles can avoid you easily. 

5. Stepping on flat feet: Many people slap the bottom of their feet on the ground while walking. This can lead to pain in the shins, sole and heels. While walking, roll on through the heel to the toe. This will make walking more comfortable and greatly reduce strain on the feet.

6. Swinging your arms too much: While this is not a common issue, just keep in mind to match the rhythm of your walk with your arm. So don’t keep your arms stiff by your side (like a robot) or swing them unnecessarily (like in a military parade). Just relax and let your body do what comes naturally.   
7. Having the improper posture: While walking, try to watch yourself every 20 minutes. If you feel that you are slouching forward, then correct yourself. After a week, proper posture will come automatically and you can keep back pain, neck pain and shoulder pain at bay. 

8. Walking without a fixed duration: This is a mistake that many beginners make: they feel that walking for a fixed duration is needlessly restrictive. This means that they might end up walking too much or too little. Before stepping out, set an alarm on your watch or phone. This will help avoid over-straining yourself. 

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid
Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Simple Stretches Which You Can Perform While In Office

Does your age lie somewhere between the early 20s and the late 60s? Then you are probably accustomed to a few or all of the five elements – office, workload, fatigue, time management issues and balance between work and home. Long working hours in which you remain hooked in front of the desktop or laptop screen makes it easy to put on weight! You want better health but you feel trapped and helpless. What can you possibly do?

Can office break your health?
Among the many health troubles which commonly affect working individuals today, Obesity tops the list. But besides gaining those extra kilos, there are other perils in which you might get into! Some of them are: 
  • A Bad Back: The risks of a herniated lumbar disc as well as drying up of the collagen around the tendons and ligaments are aggravated by excessive sitting.
  • Leg troubles: Proper blood circulation in the legs is hampered when you sit for too long. It may lead to problems like a varicose vein or Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) due to blood clots.
  • Heart diseases: A persistently sedentary lifestyle is prone to high blood pressure and increased cholesterol which in turn puts pressure on the heart and the circulatory system.
  • Digestive problems: If you sit down immediately after lunch, then the food in your belly tends to get compressed, thus slowing down the digestive process altogether.
Simple office exercises
The exercises that experts recommend in order to get rid of the ‘prolonged-sitting agony’ are rather simple. They can be easily tried out within the office space which will help to keep a number of associated health issues at bay. These simple office stretches are being popularly termed as ‘deskercise’ these days. The term itself hints at the fact that these moves can be performed comfortably while you’re at work. Some of them are: 

1. Sitting without the Chair 
  • Stand straight with your back resting against the wall and then relax.
  • Bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Hold this position for about 30 seconds.
  • Stand up straight.
  • Repeat this 10 times.
  • For extra workout, cross the right ankle over the left knee and hold for 15 seconds. Then switch legs.
 2. Raise legs while you are seated
  • Straighten your legs while you’re sitting.
  • Keep the legs parallel to the ground.
  • Hold for 10 seconds.
  • Return to starting position.
  • Repeat 10 times and then rest.
 3. Desk push-ups
  • Place both your hands on the edges of the desk.
  • Hands should be placed such that your shoulders are wide apart.
  • Spread your legs out behind you as far as possible.
  • Push against the desk that you are holding, with as much force as you can. (For this, the desk needs to be against the wall preferably.)
  • Do this 10 times.
 4. The Stapler Curl
  • Take the stapler or a bottle in one hand with your palm facing the ceiling.
  • Place your hand beside the thighs.
  • Start moving upwards and bending the elbow, place your hand beside your chest.
  • Stop for a few seconds and then put your hands down to the normal position.
  • Repeat for at least 10 to 15 times and then switch to the other arm.
 5. Wrist Stretching 
  • Stretch your right hand in front of you, pointing all the fingers towards the ceiling.
  • Gently pull the fingers of this arm with your left hand until you feel the stretch in the wrist. (The pull must be towards your body)
  • Hold on for 5 seconds and then switch hands.
  • Do 20 repetitions.
 6. Chin tuck
  • Stand upright facing straight.
  • Lower your chin to your chest.
  • Hold on to this position for 15 to 30 seconds such that you feel the tension in your back.
  • Return to the original position and relax.
  • Repeat this for 10 times.
7. Sitting neck stretch 
  • Look straight in front of you.
  • Turn your head to your right to keep it almost at a right angle with the shoulder.
  • Hold on for 5 seconds and feel the stretch.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same process for the other side.
  • Do this each side for 20 times.
To cut a long story short, if you’re bound to sit for long hours, the first thing you must remember is your mom’s childhood advice: “Sit up straight”. This small but powerful tip does take good care of your health, especially the posterior region of your body. Exercise is only an add-on. These time-saving moves recommended by experts indeed go a long way to make a difference to your health.  Experts around the world have recommended these office exercises not just because they protect your health, they also make office work far more enjoyable.

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid
Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Is Your Calcium Intake Enough?

When we were children, we were told that a glass of milk every day is vital for strong bones. Even today, we pass on this noble message to our children. But do we ever check whether we are actually getting enough calcium?

The importance of calcium

Calcium as a mineral is not just for bones – it is required by various organs and biological processes. It is needed in the growth and maintenance of bones and teeth along with the proper functioning of muscles and nerves. Calcium also helps to stabilise the functioning of enzymes and hormones in charge of digestion and metabolism. Just how much your body depends on adequate supply of calcium can been seen in the fact that about 2% of your body weight is taken up by calcium.

Signs of inadequate calcium intake

If you notice more than 2 of the symptoms given below, then there is a heightened risk that you are not getting enough calcium.

• Frequent muscle spasm
• Numbness in the hands, feet or face
• Brittle bones
• Weak nails
• Mood imbalance, often leading to depression
• Impaired memory recall

How much calcium do you need?

• Children 1 to 3 years: 700mg
• Children 4 to 8 years: 1000mg
• Teenage years: 1300mg
• Adult 19 to 50 years: 1000mg
• Adult 51 to 70 years: 1000mg to 1200mg

Getting adequate calcium in your daily diet

Make sure the following foods are a part of your daily diet:

1. Milk: It is one of the most common sources of calcium. As it is also rich in vitamin D and phosphorus, the body is able to absorb the calcium mineral present in milk far more effectively than from any other food. 

2. Cheese: It is an excellent source of calcium. Just a few slices of plain cheese can deliver about 30% of the daily required calcium. Cheese is also rich in protein, which helps to keep the muscles surrounding the bones healthy, thus ensuring optimal mobility and strength. 

3. Yogurt: This dairy product is a good source of calcium as well as probiotic bacteria, which has numerous health benefits. Thus, regular consumption of yogurt will strengthen your bones and overall health.

4. Almonds: Among nuts, almonds have the highest concentration of calcium. Just a handful of almonds can give you about 22% of the daily required calcium. Moreover, almonds are an excellent source of magnesium, which helps to maintain the firmness of the bones as well as teeth.

5. Spinach: If you are not in favour of eating dairy products, then you can always opt for green leafy vegetables like spinach. While its calcium content is lower than that of heavyweights like milk or cheese, this vegetable has plenty of magnesium, potassium and vitamin K, all of which work together to help maintain your bone health.    

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid
Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Knee Osteoarthritis Exercises Which Experts Recommend

Knee Osteoarthritis is a joint problem which primarily arises from the ageing process itself. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon to see even young people being affected with this type of joint degeneration. Thus, Osteoarthritis can no longer be seen as an issue affecting only the elderly. 

When it comes to treating Osteoarthritis, people usually think of expensive medicines, complicated physiotherapy and – if all else fails – surgery. Such people are grossly unaware of the tremendous positive impact regular exercise can have for those who have Knee Osteoarthritis. Exercises which target the knee joint can not only slow down cartilage breakdown but also strengthen the bones and muscles of the joint, thereby improving joint mobility and speeding up recovery. Thus, it is not a surprise that physiotherapists and doctors around the world recommend specific exercises to people suffering from chronic joint problems like Osteoarthritis.

Today, let’s look at some simple exercises which you can do to maintain the health of your knees.

Top exercises for Osteoarthritis
    1. One leg balance
  • Stand next to a chair.
  • Raise one leg off the floor and hang on for 20 seconds.
  • Repeat this twice and then switch sides.

2. Side leg raise
  • Hold a chair for balance.
  •  Put your entire body’s weight on the left leg and raise the right leg out to one side.
  • Keep the right leg straight and hold on for 3 seconds.
  • Return to starting position.
  • Repeat this 10 times and switch over to the other leg.

3. Sitting position march
  • Sit up straight in a chair
  • Place the toes of your left foot on the floor such that your foot needs to be moved back a bit.
  • Now raise your right leg slowly with the knee bent at the right-angled posture.
  • Hold on for three seconds.
  • Slowly lower your foot, placing it on the ground.
  • After 10 repetitions, switch to the other leg.

4. Calf stretching
  • Hold a chair for balance.
  • Bend your right leg.
  • Step back with your leg straightening it behind you.
  • The pressure should be felt in the calf at the back of your left leg.
  • Hold on for 20 seconds and repeat twice.
  • Switch to your right and follow the same pattern.

5. Raising the leg
  • Lie on the floor and bend your left leg with foot on the ground.
  • The right leg is to be kept straight with toes straight upwards.
  • Slowly raise the right leg by tightening the thigh muscles.
  • Hold for 3 seconds.
  • Then slowly lower it to the ground keeping the thigh muscles tight.
  • After touching the floor, raise it again.
  • Switch to the other leg after 10 repetitions.

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.