Monday, November 12, 2018

5 Everyday Mistakes That Can Cause Joint Pain

Most people believe hereditary causes or natural degeneration due to old age are the only risk factors of joint pain. However, there are certain mistakes which we unknowingly make every day that drastically increases the risk of developing joint pain, and aggravates such pain.

A considerable proportion of people suffering from joint pain have been observed to indulge in these unhealthy habits on a regular basis. Let us take a close look at them.

• Using the Wrong Muscles
We are all aware that our musculoskeletal structure comprises numerous large and small muscles. When we use our small muscles too much in the course of our daily activities, it places unnecessary and excessive stress on our joints. For instance, lifting something heavy off the ground without bending our knees and relying almost entirely on our back muscles is one of the leading causes of back sprains.

-         We should bend our knees when lifting a heavy object off the floor so that our thigh muscles bear the substantial part of the pressure and not our back muscles.

-         Opening heavy doors by making use of our shoulder muscles and not our fingers is also highly recommended.

-         When carrying something for a distance, we must hold it close to our body making use of the palms of our hands and not our fingers.

We should always focus on performing physical activities in a way that keeps the stress on our joints to a minimum.

• Overdoing Exercise
In our ambition to lose those extra pounds to steal the show at a party or getting the perfectly toned body, we often end up going overboard with our exercise routine. This can increase the risk of injuries that result in joint and muscle pain.

When you take up a new exercise routine or decide to push out existing one up a notch, it is of paramount importance that you start slowly and learn the correct technique to perform those activities. Furthermore, you should never skip warm-up and cool-down regimens before and after exercise. Keep an eye out for how your body and your joints feel in the course of exercise. A sharp pain or soreness that does not go down without a few hours is a clear sign that you are overextending yourself.

• Having a Poor Posture
Posture can be divided into 2 broad types, namely, static posture & dynamic posture. While static posture relates to how one holds themselves while sitting, standing & sleeping, dynamic posture refers to the same when they are walking, running or bending over to pick something up. To maintain a healthy neck, shoulders & back, we must try not to stand or sit in one position for more than 30 minutes. Also, those who have a desk job should take regular stretch breaks.

In order to maintain a good posture whether standing or sitting, follow these instructions:

-         Line your ankles with the knees

-         Your shoulders should be back & down, positioned directly over your hips

-         The top of your head should point toward the ceiling

This brings us to the subject of what the correct sleeping posture should be. It is of utmost importance as even one night of sleep in an irregular position can result in days of joint ache.

You should avoid, at all costs:

-        The Foetal Position- Do not sleep on your side with your knees drawn up to your chest.

-        Sleeping on Your Stomach- Sleeping on your stomach can cause back and neck pain, especially if you use a saggy mattress.

-        Using a Thick Pillow- A thick pillow can not only cause neck soreness but also lead to spine issues in the long run. Use a pillow that allows your head to be at a normal position, keeping the natural curve of your neck intact. Your pillow should, at all times, be under your head and not your shoulders.

-        Sleeping on a Sofa- A sofa can never provide the comfort nor the support required for a sound sleep.

A healthy sleeping position is one that aids in maintaining the curve of your lower back. It is recommended to sleep on your back with a pillow under your knee. If you are sleeping on your side, keep your knees slightly bent.

• Carrying a Heavy Bag Around
Whether it is a messenger bag, purse or a backpack, carrying a heavy load around for prolonged hours can alter your walking stride & posture. This, in turn, strangulates the delicate nerves in the joints by putting excessive strain on our shoulders, spine & neck, thereby causing joint pain.

Doctors suggest that we should weigh our purse or single-sided bags when they are full and make sure that they do not weigh more than 5% of our total body weight. For instance, if a person weighs 70 kg, his bag should not have a weight of more than 3.5 kg.

Double-sided backpacks distribute the pressure of their weight more evenly than single-sided ones. Thus, we can pack in more weight in them. However, always remember to keep the weight of your bag such that it does not create a feeling of uneasiness, discomfort or pain.

•Smoking or Tobacco Use
Smoking has a two-pronged effect on our skeletal structure. They adversely affect bone health and at the same time weaken the joints. It has been observed that smoking increases the level of “Cortisol” hormone in the body. This limits bone growth & increases the risk of bone breakdown.

On the other hand, the “Nicotine” contained in tobacco shrinks the minute blood vessels that supply blood to the joints, particularly the disks in our spine. Clinically, people who chew or smoke tobacco are at a substantially higher risk of developing joint & spine problems, even as early as their 30s.


Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations andInternationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll-Free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

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