Saturday, February 18, 2017

First Steps In Tackling Ankle Sprain

Road accidents are common, but should you give up driving?

Similarly, every step you take may lead to a horrific ankle sprain. This can cause excruciating pain, swelling and stiffness. Not knowing what to do when you become stricken with an ankle sprain can not only prolong your suffering but also slow down the recovery period.

Today, let’s talk about some simple strategies you can learn to do after an ankle sprain. These tips are not only time-tested, they are recommended by doctors and physiotherapists around the world.

Dealing with ankle sprain

1. Take rest: The first thing to do is to avoid putting any pressure on the affected leg. Forcing a sprained ankle to bear body weight will only increase the pain and discomfort. So find a quiet sitting area and give your leg a break.

2. Use ice: Wrap a handful of ice cubes in a thin piece of cloth and tie it around the ankle. You can also keep the affected foot submerged in a bucket of chilled water. The low temperature will temporarily reduce pain sensation and control the swelling. Try not to apply ice for more than 20 minutes at a stretch.

3. Apply pressure: Wear a compress around the ankle. This helps to apply pressure on the surrounding skin and muscle tissue, thereby slowing down the swelling.

4. Raise the ankle: Keep the ankle at a level above the hips. This will help reduce the blood flow to the affected ankle and minimise pain sensation.

5. Check the circulation: To prevent the compress from cutting off blood supply completely, press the big toe nail to see if the pink colour returns or not. If it does not, then you should take off the compress and tie it back a bit lightly.

What else can you do?

Unless the sprain is particularly severe, the swelling usually lasts just a few days. The sprain may have caused damage to the ankle ligament, which means it needs time to rest and repair itself. Try to avoid walking around too much. If you have to walk, then use a walking stick for extra support.

After about 10 days, the pain and stiffness should have diminished gradually. At this stage, you can consult a physiotherapist in order to plan the next course of action. Usually, people who are recovering from ankle sprain are advised to do suitable flexibility as well as muscle strengthening exercises. This will speed up recovery and help in returning to normal life.

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid

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