Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Danger Of Slipped Disc

Your spine is an incredibly complex structure made up of numerous bones and muscles, all of which work together to enable you to bend and move. Between each individual vertebra in the spine lies a disc. When the disc begins to slip out of place and starts to put pressure on the surrounding nerves, it causes chronic pain and numbness. Such a person is then suffering from a Slipped Disc.

How to identify Slipped Disc

· Pain in the back, usually near the spine
· Numbness on one side of the body
· The pain appears to travel out to the arms and down the legs
· Weakness in the muscles
· Tingling or burning sensation near the affected area

How does Slipped Disc occur?

The spine contains many discs in between the vertebrae which act as cushions for the spinal column. The discs help in maintaining mobility and absorbing sudden movements or shock. However, due to injury or old age, the soft gelatinous portion in the disc begins to gradually leak out. This puts pressure on the spinal nerves nearby, leading to the symptoms commonly associated with slipped disc.

Causes of Slipped Disc

Wearing out of the structure of a disc is the primary reason behind a slipped disc. This may be caused by ageing or injury of the spine. The discs can become easily worn out in people who undertake physically intensive activities on a daily basis. The gelatinous core of the disc begins to leak out, thus putting pressure on the nearby structures.

Risk factors

1. Lack of exercise: Inadequate activity makes it difficult to maintain spinal strength or flexibility as ageing progresses, making you more susceptible to slipped disc.

2. Unhealthy lifestyle: Poor nutrition arising from improper eating habits along with bad habits like smoking increase the risk of suffering from slipped disc.

3. Ageing: Biochemical processes triggered by ageing can cause the discs to become weakened structurally, thus allowing the core fluid to leak out. This is one of the reasons why slipped disc is most common among people between the ages of 30 and 60.   

4. Poor posture: Sitting or standing with incorrect posture can create enormous stress and strain on the spine, especially the lumbar region, thus speeding up the formation of slipped disc.

Complications associated with Slipped Disc

· Permanent nerve damage
· Loss of sensation in the thigh, rectum or legs
· Loss of bowel or bladder control

What you can do

If you think you have one or more symptoms associated with slipped disc, then you need to visit a specialised pain management clinic and take advice from experienced doctors. The doctor will want to know about your daily schedule, your general lifestyle, level of physical activity and your diet. Although severe cases of slipped disc require surgery, early treatment can resolve the problem using correct medication, lifestyle changes, physiotherapy and exercise.

By Dr. Shabtab Khalid

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.


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