Wednesday, January 20, 2016

7 Ways To Relax Your Muscles

Muscle spasm can strike any one and at any time. You might be at work or in the kitchen when you feel a sudden tightness and bulging of a muscle. Such a strange situation is called a spasm attack. Such a cramping can happen for a variety of reasons.

The most common parts of the body to suffer from muscle spasm are the abdomen, arms, hands and feet. Your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps and the rib cage are also susceptible. In many cases, muscle spasm can be caused by heavy exercise or physical activity.

Muscle spasm can be a symptom of diseases like multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and
McArdle’s disease. People from acute neck and back pain often suffer from muscle spasm. Due to sudden increase in weight, even pregnant women are vulnerable to it. Menstruating women also suffer from uterine contractions, though the severity varies from person to person.

Here we provide simple and easily applicable ways to relax your muscles:

1. Chamomile: It is an ancient herb that has been used to treat various diseases for centuries. It is rich in flavonoids which have anti-inflammatory power. Massage chamomile oil on the affected area to provide relief from spasms. You can also make chamomile tea to help relax the sore muscles.

2. Cherry juice: It helps to reduce inflammation and muscle pain. Studies reveal that cherry juice can reduce post-exercise muscle pain. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the fruit can help to relax the affected muscles.

3. Blueberry: Another natural way to help relax your muscles is by eating blueberries. A recent study suggests that having blueberries before and after exercise can help to recover quickly from muscle damage. The fruit has antioxidant powers and reduce oxidative stress as well as inflammation.

4. Cayenne Pepper: Capsaicin is a natural muscle relaxant which is found in cayenne pepper. It is often recommended to people who suffer from Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis. It can be added to food as a flavouring element. You can also apply cayenne pepper cream on the affected area.

5. Vitamin D: Regular occurrence of muscle spasm can be the symptom of deficiency of vitamin D. While this vitamin can be taken in capsule form, it is better to take it naturally in the form of eggs, fish etc. Make sure to get regular exposure to sunlight.

6. Magnesium: It is an important part of nutrition. The element helps to maintain muscle and nerve function. One of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency is muscle pain. The mineral occurs naturally in bananas, almonds and legumes.

7. Rest: Make sure to get lots of sleep. Try not to overwork the affected muscles. Use heat pads or ice packs on the muscle to provide relief. Sometimes muscle spasms are due to over-stimulated muscles, and ice can help calm them down.

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