Saturday, June 4, 2016

Avoid Back Pain - 10 Effective Tips

Nearly everyone suffers from some kind of back pain at least once in their lifetime. While there can be many causes to the pain, it is nonetheless important to manage the pain in order to make it bearable.

If you have persistent back pain, then you should see your doctor. But before you go, you can try out these simple tips and get some relief. Managing the pain will give the doctor enough time to diagnose your problem properly. This will also keep pain at bay.

How back pain affects your life
  • Back pain can make it difficult to perform simple daily activities.
  • It can make you totally dependent on others.
  • It interferes with your ability to work.
  • Persistent back pain is known to trigger anxiety and even depression.
  • Back pain significantly lowers the overall quality of your life.

Tips to manage back pain

1. Limit bed rest: It is common for people with back pain to try and take rest. Researchers say that this habit actually makes back pain worse. If you have back pain, then you should not rest more than 3 days. Try to become slowly active as soon as you feel comfortable.

2. Maintain better posture: Keeping a good posture can help you decrease the stress on the spine and back muscles by 50%. Whether you are brushing your teeth or working at your computer – try to be conscious of the back posture. Whenever you feel yourself slumping, straighten yourself. After a while, good posture will become habitual.

3. Strengthen your core: Increasing the strength of your abdominal muscles can help reduce the strain on your back muscles. This in turn may reduce the sensation of pain.

4. Do yoga: It will reduce the tension and tightness in the muscles which are known to cause back pain. With Yoga, you will gain muscle strength and flexibility you need to manage back pain.

5. Use heat or cold therapy: You can apply a heating pad (or even a towel soaked with warm water) to the affected region. This will increase blood circulation and release tension in the muscles. Applying cold pack will reduce the sensation of pain by reducing blood circulation.

6. Limit wearing brace: This will weaken the back muscles and you may end up becoming totally dependent on the brace. Don’t wear a brace for more than 20 minutes per day.

7. Sleep properly: Sleeping in a bad position can increase back pain. Try not to sleep on your stomach as it puts the back and neck muscles under stress. If you sleep on your back then keep your knees on a pillow. If you sleep on your side, then keep a pillow between the knees.

8. Keep exercising: When you feel strong enough, you should restart your daily exercise routine. At first, try to do simple, low-intensity exercises. Then you can gradually move to more intensive exercises. Remember to warm up your body by stretching for at least 15 minutes before exercising. This will prevent strain on the back muscles.

9. Don't smokeNumerous studies show that smokers have higher incidence of back pain compared to non-smokers. If you want to avoid back pain, then stop smoking now.

10. See a specialist: While the tips above will help you control the pain, you still need to know why there is pain. Visit a specialized pain clinic and seek expert advice.   

We at Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution are confident of our unique treatment plan. We have received thousands of enthusiastic reviews and testimonials from our patients that Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy work together to rid one of pain in an effective and affordable manner. To avail of our services or to give your valuable feedback, call us at 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or message us on WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

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