Monday, April 25, 2016

Not Getting Enough Sleep? You May Suffer From Chronic Pain In The Future

One of the glaring problems that young adults seem to face is related to sleep. Sleep disorders like insomnia and daytime drowsiness are common among the people of this age group. According to a recent study, there is a deep connection between lack of sleep among young adults and the problem of chronic pain.

A study published by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), connects sleep problems among young adults (ages 19 to 22) with pain in the later stages. Researchers in University of Gronigan in the Netherlands have found that chronic pain in the later stages could be avoided if sleep problems are identified and treated as early as possible.

The study

The study emphasises on musculoskeletal pain, abdominal pain and headache. The subjects involved in the study were categorised into two groups, one already having sleep problems and the other devoid of sleep problems.

The findings

It was found that at the end of three years, those who already had sleep problems suffered more from specific types of pain like musculoskeletal pain, headache and abdominal pain.

The study says that sleep problems may lead to chronic pain. But at the same time, it has not been proved that pain might lead to sleep disorders.

Another aspect of the study also focuses on sex, physical activity, anxiety and depression. Women have been found to suffer more from chronic pain, specifically abdominal pain. The study suggests that treatment and prevention of sleep problems can be focussed upon when dealing with chronic pain and musculoskeletal pain.

How to avoid sleep problems

  • Avoid smoking and taking caffeine (coffee) before going to bed. Caffeine and nicotine affect sleep quality and prevent you from falling asleep.
  • Physical activities during daytime will help you falling asleep. But avoid exercising just before bedtime as it keeps your mind needlessly active.
  • Avoid taking heavy meals late at night. Heavy meals might cause acidity resulting in uncomfortable sleep.
  • Try sleeping in a dark room or use sleeping masks. Cut off all noise using ear plugs.
  • Avoid using electronic devices while going to bed. The light from cell phones, television and other devices are known to disrupt sleep.
  • Try reading a book or listening to soothing music before going to bed.
  • Keep a strict sleep routine and follow it every day.
  • Try not to think about your problems and worries in bed.

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