Monday, January 4, 2016

Manage Osteoarthritis With Better Sleep

Researchers have found a strong connection between osteoarthritispain, depression and loss of sleep. The depression worsens the sense of being disabled and ostracized from the society at large.

A study published in Arthritis Care & Research stated that poor sleep increases depression. The connection between sleep loss and pain is still unclear.

Even in the 21st century, arthritis continues to be one of the top three concerns for the elderly. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis people suffer from. The disease causes enormous strain on the country’s fragile healthcare infrastructure while draining the pockets of the patients. Previously, numerous studies have shown that people with osteoarthritis have trouble initiating and maintaining sleep. They also suffer from general sleep disorders.

Sleep disturbance is a common complaint among those with osteoarthritis. The pain worsens any
preexisting sleep problems. The three elements—pain, sleep loss and depression—are intimately connected. One aspect reinforces the others. 

Findings of the study indicate an independent relationship between pain and depression. While disability alone is not linked to sleep disturbance, individuals with high pain report poor sleep patterns. Sleep disturbance was found to increase depression and perception of disability. The study discovers a strong role in reinforcing sleep loss due to osteoarthritis pain.

Physical therapy for osteoarthritis pain

1. Both heat and cold are known to be effective at relieving pain. Warm showers and hot packs can bring relief to stiff muscles. Cold packs numb the area of pain and increase blood circulation. Cold can also reduce swelling and inflammation.

2. Get hold of a physical therapist and work out a safe and effective exercise program. Inactivity makes pain worse. Try to be physically active in spite of the pain.

3. A back brace can relieve pain. A brace allows you to move around in spite of the weakness in your bones. If you use a brace too long then it will weaken your muscles. Try to exercise as soon as the doctor says it’s safe.

How to get better sleep

1. You can try to increase your melatonin levels by eating melatonin-rich foods like alfalfa sprouts and sunflower seeds.

2. Don’t use electronic items with screens (like televisions and tablets) in the dark. Such screens emit blue light which is known to disrupt sleep pattern.

3. Go to sleep early. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep daily. It might take some time to adjust to a new sleep pattern.
4. Expose yourself to sunlight as much as possible. Sunlight has been known to help regulate the
circadian pattern.

5. Change your diet to include foods rich in bone-building nutrients.

We at Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution are confident of our unique treatment plan. We have received thousands of enthusiastic reviews and testimonials from our patients that Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy work together to rid one of pain in an effective and affordable manner. To avail of our services or to give your valuable feedback, call us at 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or message us on Whatsapp at +91 98304 26607


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