Saturday, December 12, 2015

Benefits of adding zinc in your diet.

A small amount of zinc is great for the body. It has been called an “essential trace element” because of its beneficial impact on the human body if ingested in very small quantities.

Sources of Zinc

The following selection contains healthy amounts of zinc:
Toasted wheat germ
Roast beef
Baked beans
Dark chocolate

Zinc deficiency

Usually zinc deficiency is caused by insufficient dietary intake. There are many symptoms of zinc deficiency. These include loss of appetite, anaemia, abnormal taste, stunted growth, altered cognition, diarrhoea and hair loss. Experts believe that around 40% of elderly Indians and about 2
billion people in the world have diets which are deficient in zinc.

Uses of Zinc

    Zinc is effective against diarrhoea especially in children who are undernourished or deficient in zinc.

    An inherited disorder called Wilson’s disease can be treated by taking zinc by mouth. People who have this disease tend to have too much copper in their body. Zinc blocks the body’s tendency to absorb copper and increases the body’s ability to release copper.

    Research suggests that people with acne usually have low levels of zinc. Taking zinc by mouth appears to reduce acne.

    Acrodermatitis enteropathica is also an inherited disease which decreases the body’s ability to process and absorb zinc. Taking zinc by mouth appears to improve the symptoms.

    Giving a porridge or soup containing zinc helps to treat anemia.

    Taking zinc by mouth helps to reduce the symptoms of Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) such as hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Children with ADHD tend to have low zinc levels. 

    Giving zinc intravenously improves wound closure in people with severe burns. Taking zinc by mouth improves the recovery time for burn wounds.

    Lozenges containing zinc can be taken in case of common cold. It helps to reduce the duration of the infection, especially in adults.

    Foot ulcers due to diarrhoea get reduced in severity if zinc is taken regularly.

    Zinc oxide paste reduces diaper rash in infants.

    Zinc plays a role in regulating how neurons communicate with one another. This affects how memories are formed and preserved as well as how we learn.
    Zinc prevents cellular damage in the retina. This delays the onset of
    age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and loss of vision.

    Courtesy by Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution

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