Friday, December 4, 2015

Ideal diet.....Lifestyle chnages for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia has many debilitating symptoms like fatigue and muscle pain. Medication helps to reduce the severity of symptoms by only 30% to 40%. If you want to improve them, you have to modify your diet and your lifestyle.
In a survey by Clinical Rheumatology journal, 42% of patients experienced increased discomfort after eating certain kinds of foods.
Research shows that there are some types of food that patients should avoid in their daily diet. Many patients are sensitive to particular foods but it varies among people. They might be sensitive towards preservatives, gluten, eggs, dairy products, Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and other potential allergens. Unfortunately, many patients have food sensitivities which cannot be mapped in food allergy tests.

Start planning

First thing is to clearly identify the kinds of food you eat. Create a food journal and write down any food you consume daily. Also remember to write down any pain experienced such as headache, indigestion or fatigue. This diary may be maintained for two to three weeks. This is helpful since you will be able to see what kind of symptoms you experience after eating which food.

What experts say

If you suffer from chronic pain, perhaps it is time to change your food habits and avoid certain kinds of foods. Many patients report increased comfort after avoiding certain food items. They show increased improvement in fatigue, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), bloating and constipation. A well balanced diet is integral to a physically and mentally active life and can improve your overall health. Choosing the right kind of food will reduce fatigue and keep your energy levels at a consistent rate. A diet of protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains makes sense for fibromyalgia patients. 

Eating small meals frequently throughout the day can help maintain energy levels. A small snack of protein will help when you feel tired in the afternoon.
Your morning meal should contain a boiled egg and some oatmeal. It will prevent your blood sugar from fluctuating. It will also give you a boost in energy to keep you going through the day even if you feel your body ache.
Going to bed in a timely manner helps keep symptoms at bay. Try to be active during day time.
Irritable bowel syndrome is present in about half of patients with Fibromyalgia. Foods which irritate the stomach trigger the body to send messages to the brain which in turn signals fibromyalgia symptoms. Eating fresh foods without any added preservatives may ease symptoms.

Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish like salmon) are good for the heart as well as in avoiding pain. These acids help reduce inflammation and help in brain function. It is a good idea to eat organic food. Patients do better by avoiding food with pesticides and chemicals.  

What to avoid

Fibromyalgia patients experience restless sleep and fatigue along with mood imbalance. They try to ease fatigue with stimulants like coffee. This ends up doing more harm than good. It is time to decrease your coffee consumption.
Plants of the nightshade variety (like tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants) are to be avoided. These vegetables contain components of neurotoxins. For a small percentage of patients, avoiding such vegetables has shown visible improvement in fibromyalgia symptoms.
Many patients have lactose intolerance. In a recent study, about 25% of fibromyalgia patients show an immune response to dairy products.
Try to maintain a low-carbohydrate and low sugar diet. Most fibromyalgia patients have low adrenal functioning. This affects the digestion of carbohydrates and can lead to hypoglycemia. You should keep your sugar level stable.
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener commonly found in diet sodas and sugar-free sweets. In patients with fibromyalgia, it heightens the body’s sensitivity to pain. Artificial sweeteners like sorbitol and xylitol can trigger Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Avoid food additives like Monosodium glutamate (MSG). It is often found in fast food, Chinese food and processed packaged food.
Junk food like fast food, candy and vending-machine products contribute to weight gain and irritate muscles. They also disrupt sleep and compromise the immune system. Try to avoid them as much as possible.

Well-being is important  

Physical changes like change in diet must be compacted with mental and attitudinal changes. Along with medication and diet change, try yoga, massage and deep-breathing meditation techniques. Along with stress relief and increased energy, yoga and meditation promote inner peace and all-round fitness.     

Courtesy by Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution

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