Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Get Your Kids To Exercise From Today

Kids and adults think about exercise in different ways. When adults think about exercise, they imagine pumping iron, working out in the gym, or running on the treadmill. When kids imagine exercise, they imagine playing or just being physically active. Unlike adults, kids exercise when they are in gym class, at soccer practice or while riding the bike.

Benefits of Exercise

Kids who lead active lives:
  • Have stronger muscles and bones.
  • Have a leaner body with lower levels of fat.
  • Are less likely to be overweight.
  • Are less likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes.
  • Have a more positive outlook of life.

 Why kids should get plenty of exercise?

  1. Kids who do exercise are more likely to continue to exercise in their adult lives.
  2. Exercise helps them in maintaining a healthy body weight.
  3. Regular physical activities help to build strong muscles and bones.
  4. Exercise helps in training inter-personal skills.
  5. Exercise improves the quantity and quality of sleep.
  6. Research shows that physically active kids are more likely to attend school regularly, which enhances their school performance.
  7. Kids who do regular exercise are more likely to have a positive and stable self-image along with greater self-esteem.
  8. Getting regular exercise helps to keep chronic diseases (like heart disease or diabetes) at bay.
  9. Children who lead active lives are less likely to feel depressed and anxious.
  10. Exercise increases motor coordination and promotes all-round physical coordination.

Elements to fitness

There are three elements to a kid’s exercise routine: endurance, strength and flexibility.

Endurance develops when kids get regular aerobic exercise. During such exercise, the heart beats faster and the person breathes harder. When done regularly and for long periods of time, aerobic exercise strengthens the heart and improves the body’s ability to transfer oxygen to all its cells. Aerobic exercise can be fun for both adults and kids. Both adults and kids can participate together.
Aerobic exercise includes basketball, bicycling, skating, soccer, swimming, tennis etc.

Strength does not necessarily mean weightlifting. Kids can build strength by doing pushups, stomach crunches and pull ups.

Flexibility is improved through endurance and strength. Through exercise, anyone can become flexible. The joints and the muscles move through their range of motions more easily.

How much exercise?

Parents should make sure that their kids get about 60 minutes of exercise or physical activity per day. Infants and small children should not be inactive for long period unless they feel tired or are ill. Children who go to school should not be inactive for longer than 2 hours.

How to raise fit kids?

A healthy lifestyle for kids is a combination of a healthy diet and regular physical activity.
  1. Get your kids into age-appropriate physical activities.
  2. Maintain a routine for daily regular physical activity.
  3. Incorporate activities into their daily routine.
  4. Establish a healthy lifestyle for yourself. Your kids will look at you as a positive role model.
  5. Keep the activities fun and interesting so that your kids will always come back for more.

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