Tuesday, December 29, 2015

After 40, Woman Can Still Fight Joint Pain

Some women suffer from joint pain after the age of 40. Although it is common for men and women, women are at greater risk after menopause. Thorough knowledge of the problem along with its treatment can help a lot.

After menopause, a woman’s body faces drastic fluctuations in hormones. In almost all known modes of diagnosis, it is a fact that hormones play an important role in bone and joint health. Any imbalance places stress on the skeletal system as a whole and on the joints in particular.

What causes joint pain in women?

Many women suffer from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis after menopause. They also face autoimmune problems like lupus, scleroderma and multiple sclerosis. After menopause, women are nine times more likely to develop lupus and three times more susceptible to scleroderma than men. Fibromyalgia related joint pain is also common for women after menopause.

Symptoms of joint pain

Fever, redness, swelling and stiffness of the joint even after long periods of rest are some of the common symptoms of joint pain. The joints feel warm especially in the morning, along with stiffness.

Oestrogen and joint pain

Normally, women feel greater pain in the joints than men. Hormones play an important role in the degree of pain experienced. Typically, women experience greater pain before and during their periods. This is because the oestrogen level drops before menstruation. Oestrogen protects women from feeling excessive pain. That’s why oestrogen levels rise before and during pregnancy to protect the woman from labour pain.

Female brains are more susceptible to pain compared to men’s brains. Endorphins (natural pain killers) work less effectively in women. Female brains release less dopamine when feeling pain. This means women feel the full brunt of the pain.

Joint pain and medication

Due to hormonal fluctuations, pain medication spreads unevenly in women. The digestive system in women works slower than in men, which means that pain medication takes more time to reach the affected areas.

Treating joint pain

You can make changes to your lifestyle in order to accommodate joint pain in your life. You can bring physiotherapy into your daily schedule to ease joint pain. Muscle-strengthening therapy is especially beneficial. Consult a physiotherapist in order to gain in-depth knowledge.
Alternative medicine is known for producing the best possible outcome in case of joint pain. Natural herbs and supplements along with traditional techniques like acupuncture can provide long term relief from pain compared to pain medication.

Simple workout tips for joint pain

1. Regular exercise must be accompanied with a proper warm up. Going straight to the exercise routine places great stress on your muscles. After the age of 40, the mobility of the joints and tissue begins to decline. Just 5 minutes of warm up is enough to limber up the joints and the muscles.

2. Try to avoid doing the same workout routine every day. This will help you to stay away from overuse injuries. Mix high-stress activities (like running) with relatively gentle activities like swimming or yoga. 

3. Consult your trainer to find out the most efficient cardio routine. It should begin with low-stress movements and gradually move towards more stressful movements. Remember to take a break when you feel your joints starting to ache.

4. Work your bigger muscles first then move on to smaller muscles. Make sure to alternate between exercising the upper and the lower body. If you want to undergo weight training, then make sure to alternate between arm and leg exercises in order to avoid placing too much stress on one particular joint or muscle.

5. Even when time is short, don’t forget the post-workout stretching. The tight muscles tend to put pressure on the joints like the knee cap. Remember to stretch all the major muscles after exercising for at least 20 seconds.

6. Include traditional forms like yoga in your routine. Yoga improves joint mobility and stability and helps to create balance around the joints. Yoga is particularly effective against rheumatoid arthritis. Just an hour long yoga class eases pain and swelling.

7. You can try to work out in a pool. The deeper the water, the less weight on your vulnerable joints. Remember to avoid strokes which cause too much stress on your shoulders (like the crawl stroke). If you feel any discomfort, then stick to simple strokes like breaststrokes.

We at Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution are confident of our unique treatment plan. We have received thousands of enthusiastic reviews and testimonials from our patients that Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani formulations and InternationallyAcclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy work together to rid one of pain in an effective and affordable manner. To avail of our services or to give your valuable feedback, call us at 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or message us on Whatsapp at +91 98304 26607

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