Friday, August 19, 2016

How is Omega-3 beneficial for your Joints?

 To keep your joints healthy, you need to protect them from the threat of inflammation. The simplest way you can maintain joint health is to take the daily recommended dose of omega-3 fatty acids. Doctors and scientists around the world recognize its joint protective ability.   

What is Omega-3 fatty acid?
Omega-3 fatty acid, considered an unsaturated essential fatty acid can potentially enhance the joint mobility. It is known to produce compounds called ‘resolvins’ and ‘protectins’, which curb joint inflammation and thus protects the tissues from being damaged. According to a study conducted by National Institutes of Health (NIH), people with Rheumatoid Arthritis who took omega-3 supplements had a reduction in joint pain. It also helped them lower their dose of anti-inflammatory drugs.

How can it be obtained?
The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids for joint health that can be included in our diets are fatty fishes like tuna, mackerel, salmon and sardine as well as walnut, flaxseed and pumpkin seed. The fish oil also decreases risk of cardiovascular disease which is usually high in people suffering from arthritis.

How Omega-3 enhances joint health?
There are several components of Omega-3 which work towards the flexibility and joint health.
  1. Decreases inflammation: Studies show that the main structures of Omega-3: Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are very good anti-inflammatory agents, decreasing joint pain.
  2. Reduces Osteoarthritis: The protein components of Omega-3 fatty acids are incorporated into cartilage cell membranes which decrease the rate of Osteoarthritis.
  3. Increases bone marrow: A study showed that intake of balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids lowers one’s risk of decreased bone marrow.
  4. Lessons Rheumatoid Arthritis: Fish oil helps in reduction of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the joints.
  5. Improves overall Joint health: Omega-3 fatty acid decreases symptoms of morning stiffness, swollen joints and joint pain. It also increases the overall blood circulation of the body.

By Shabtab Khalid

Note: Through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy, Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution aims to eradicate joint pain, counter the process of degeneration and promote bone health. The protocol is at once scientific, effective as well as safe. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.

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