Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Simple Exercises To Effectively Control Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is an inflammatory condition which affects the spinal column. If you have this ailment, then you will find it difficult to bend your upper body in any direction. Some of the vertebrae in the spine fuse together, greatly reducing the flexibility. This kind of arthritis can severely disrupt your ability to function normally in your daily life.

The good news is that regular exercise is known to help increase flexibility. Just 10 minutes of daily exercise helps to strengthen the muscles supporting the spine and the back. Along with this, you need to maintain a good posture throughout the day if you want to keep it under control.

Exercises for Ankylosing Spondylitis

1. Stretch properly: If you have AS, then you should begin with some simple stretching exercises to help increase blood flow to the bones and muscles in the back. If you feel your pain increasing then stop immediately. 

2. Maintain body posture: You can lie face down on the floor for 15 minutes. If you need to, keep a small pillow under the chest and the forehead. When it comes to walking, aim to keep your spine as straight as possible. Square your shoulders and keep your head normally. To check if your posture is correct, stand with your back to a wall. Your shoulders, buttocks and heels should all touch the wall at the same time. While sitting, remember to check yourself every 10 minutes to see whether you are slumping down in your seat or not. After every hour of sitting, take a 10-minute break.

3. Swim regularly: This is the most effective kind of exercise for people with AS. It increases lung capacity and chest expansion. Swimming improves spine flexibility without putting too much stress on the individual vertebra. Try to swim for just 20 minutes at least thrice a week.

4. Breathe deep: Sit in a quiet corner and observe your normal breath. Then start taking slow and deep breaths. Feel the air entering and leaving your nose. Expand and contract your belly to make full use of your lungs. Do this for 15 minutes every day, if possible in the morning. This will help combat the decrease in chest flexibility due to AS.

5. Sleep well: Your spine and your body needs at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Remember to sleep with your spine straight. Your mattress should to comfortable for your back without being too hard or soft. The best way to sleep is on your side, with one knee being supported by an extra pillow. If you sleep on your back, then keep a small pillow to support your neck. Try to keep your legs straight.

Dr. Shabtab Khalid

Note: Zilaxo Advanced Pain Solution, through the synergistic combination of Classical Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic-Unani Formulations and Internationally Acclaimed Advanced Physiotherapy aims to eradicate problems like joint pain, inflammation, swelling, muscle spasm and stiffness. The protocol is at once scientific, effective and safe, with no known side effect. To avail treatment at Zilaxo, call on 1800 419 6607 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 98304 26607.



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  2. My son is 20 and have AS..should he join the gym?
