Thursday, March 17, 2016

Confront Osteoporosis With Soy Protein

While driving home from the office, Ramesh thought about what his boss said. “Make sure your mother eats soybeans daily”, the boss said. She was 67 years old and was recently diagnosed with
Osteoporosis. Doctors had given her a whole list of medicines to take. But Ramesh was not convinced. He believed that above all, healthy food is necessary to fight a disease.

But which food? Different people and websites gave contradictory suggestions. Now there is soybean. Yes it has lots of soy protein. But will it do any good? Or is it just a myth?

A recent study

Researchers at the University of Hull studied 200 people by giving them different quantities of soy protein. Then their bone health was checked by examining certain signs or markers.

The findings

They found that the rate of bone loss in people on the soy diet was reduced significantly. Such participants also showed less risk of getting heart disease.

The result

Soy protein is a safe and effective way of improving bone health. Soy protein appears to mimic the effect of conventional osteoporosis drugs. Supplementing your diet with soybeans could lead to a significant decrease in the impact of osteoporosis.

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